The benefits of practicing the right mindfulnes

The benefits of practicing the right mindfulness.

At the beginning, the practice of right mindfulness can help with healing and detoxifying us of any unpleasant emotions.
 It can also adjust or balance the body, which enhances overall well being. As a result, we will have good mental health and  a better quality of life. 

When we continue to practice right mindfulness regularly, 
it will stimulate the state of awakening and knowing, which will clear off accumulated emotions, thoughts, and anxiety.
We will then be able to feel peaceful and relaxed - pleasant, light and luminous inside. 

When these pleasant feelings occur frequently, it will demonstrate to us a fact - the happiness that we strive for does not come from the outside, and is actually from within our mind.

We can feel more refined pleasantness inside - it is real happiness that we can experience. This type of happiness cannot be bought, even with all the money that we have earned in our lives. 

The more that you feel this happiness, the more the mind will be luminous, awoken, and knowing. We can be happy, no matter where we are. 
This is the effect of the awakened and knowing state. 

When the mindfulness improves to the point of having an expansive knowing, and when it happens more often, all things will appear to separate from one another. 

There will be separation of form (rupa) and mind (nama), and each will appear in its own dimension. 

A rising and falling can be seen depending on each individual one of them. 
This occurs when you have entered the state of insight or vipassana yana,  which is seeing the conditions according to reality. They will appear naturally, and not dependent on thought or reason.
At this point the mind will become more expansive, until reaching the pure knowing state - voiding of self and attachment. 
This is the unconditioned mind.

After the mindfulness progresses to this stage, there will be a feeling of peace and lightness from having a deeper concentration. No worldly happiness can be compared to this kind of happiness. 
But when we reach the pure dhamma condition without any conditioning, it can be even purer than that. 
It is a state of freedom, without us binding to anything. 
This is the real security in life.

Even though we may have all of the material things, we still lack freedom. We are slaves to our thoughts and emotions.
No matter how far you have travelled, even to the ends of the world, suffering and attachment still follow you. 
The strongest cage that traps us is our own mind! 

The development of mindfulness is the only way that we can free ourselves from the conditioned world. 
It will free us from all attachment, suffering, and psychic irritation.
We will have a chance to experience the pure nature, which is free from all conditioning, and allow us to gain real security in life.

Throughout our lives we accumulate our wealth - owning a home, a car, a job, etc., in order to be sure of our security. Is that not true? 
However, is there any security in these material things? 
Nothing stays forever with us. We will have to part with and lose everything, including this body that we cling to. 

Experiencing the state of pure knowing is the real security, which lasts forever. 

Once you have experienced this state, you will get the answer for why you were born and your purpose.

When the Buddha became enlightened, he discovered the truth of nature - a truth that can lead us all to liberation and experiencing the real purity of life. 
This is the way that we find the true essence of life. 

To free the mind from all defilements is not beyond achieving. Anyone can reach that goal, by the simple practice of mindfulness in daily life.
It may totally change your life forever! 

Dhamma teaching by Ajahn Maha Worapot ( Phra Maha Worapot Kittivaro).


อนุโมทนาบุญ พ.ญ. อาวรณี พินิจ จิตอาสาแปลภาษาธรรมบรรยาย




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พระมหาวรพรต  กิตติวโร  (ประธานมูลนิธิเดินจิต)

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